
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Reflections & Results

Terry in home studio, Brooklyn '72
This has been an incredible year for me on so many levels. I've had the opportunity to revisit past loves, reflect on our histories and experience the loss of a dear friend. On top of this, dealing with the health care system for two family members with some success and some neglect. All of which, because of legal issues, I can not rehash here. But these times have also brought forth moments of grace, such as my mother-in-law receiving a book of Pushkin's poetry (in Russian), saying she has been looking for this poetry, all her life. And then reciting this poem in Russian to me from memory at 91 years old.

On the upside, my sources on the Amherst Public Arts Commission have confirmed we have reached our fundraising goal to make the Portal a permanent installation in Kendrick Park, Amherst. It feels to good to make the dream of bringing permanent public art in one of our town's parks, a reality. Thanks to all our supporters for making this happen. We will have a commemoration probably in Spring. Stay tuned.